Wide Throw Hinges

Wide Throw Hinges

Wide throw hinges are used when you need extra clearance behind a door – typically a door that opens 180 degrees. In the good old days this clearance was usually needed because of fancy wood trim around the frame.
4 products found
Product ID Description
HWTS4100*125 100 x 125 x 3.5 Stainless 304 Wide Throw Hinges *Nett*
HWTS4100*150 100 x 150 x 3.5 Stainless 304 Wide Throw Hinges *Nett*
HWTS4100*175 100 x 175 x 3.5 Stainless 304 Wide Throw Hinges *Nett*
HWTS4100*200 100 x 200 x 3.5 Stainless 304 Wide Throw Hinges *Nett*
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