Ducting - Nude Comflex Aluduct

Ducting - Nude Comflex Aluduct

The Nude Comflex Aluduct in silver is designed for use with extractor fans and other general purpose venting applications.
4 products found
Product ID Description
XDCT0409 Dct0409 100mm 6M Ducting Nude Comflex Aluduct *Nett*
XDCT0410 Dct0410 125mm 6M Ducting Nude Comflex Aluduct *Nett*
XDCT0411 Dct0411 150mm 6M Ducting Nude Comflex Aluduct *Nett*
XDCT0412 Dct0412 200mm 6M Ducting Nude Comflex Aluduct *Nett*
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